Sekolah Ku




Address                                                   :   
Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani Number 59.A Martapura Kalimantan Selatan KP 70614
Telephone                    :            0511-4721272
Fax                              :            0511-4721272
E-mile                          :   e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Head Master
1. Drs. Soeparni periodeic 1974 – 1989
2. Drs.H.Udin Nasufi periodic 1989 - 1996
3. H. Hafizuddin ,BA periodic 1995 – 1996
4. Drs.H. Abdul Wahid Fahmi periodic 1996 – 1999
5. Dra. Hj. Nanie Retno N. periodic 1999 – 2000
6. Drs. Zainuddin Rasyid periodic 2000 – 2003
7. Drs. H. Busra periodic 2003 – it’s now

Established                                              :   
1. Private High School 14th September 1974
2. State High School 19th November 1978
3. State General High School 7th March 1997
4. State High School 1st Januari 2004

2.1 Class Number, 16 classes consist of :
10th  grade           :    6 classes
11th  grade           :    6 classes
12th  grade           :    5 classes

Students number / section
10th grade/general     :      206 students
11th grade :
Language section     :        38 students
Natural section         :        72 students
Social section          :      114 students
12th grade :
Language section     :        25 students
Natural section         :        69 students
Social section          :        78 students

 2.3 The whole students number :  602 students

3.1 Teachers number, 51 teachers ,consist of :
3.2 Teachers number, 13 staff ,consist of :

4.1 Class                                              : 17
4.2 Teacher room                                  :   1
4.3 Headmaster room                            :   1
4.4 Administration room                         :   1
4.5 Concelling room                              :   1
4.6 Student association room                :   1
4.7   Red Cross room                            :   1
4.8   Extra curriculer room                      :   1
4.9   Suit room                                      :   1
4.10 Library                                           :   1
4.11 Physics Laboratory                                    :   1
4.12 Chemistry Laboratory                     :   1
4.13 Biology Laboratory                                    :   1
4.14  Language Laboratory                    :   1
4.15  Computer Laboratory                    :   1
4.16. Multimedia Laboratory                   :   1
4.17  Cooperation Room                        :   1
4.18. Praying Room                               :   1
4.19  Canteen                                        :   3
4.20  Observation room                         :   2
4.21. Ware house                                  :   1
4.22  Student toilet                                :   6
4.23. Teacher toilet                                :   1
4.24. Guest toilet                                   :   1
4.25  Headmaster toilet                          :   1
4.26. Night Wathman house                   :   1
4.27. Parking area                                  :   4
4.28.  Other facilities                              :  
4.28.1. Computers                                 : 25 sets ( Language laboratory )
1 set in class
3 sets in teachers room
1 set in conselling room
1 set in physics laboratory
1 set in students association
1 set in headmaster room
 4 sets in administration room
 3 sets in library room
 1 set in multimedia laboratory
 1 set in language laboratory

4.28.2.  Laptop                          : 2
4.28.3.  LCD                              : 3
4.28.4. OHP                              : 2
4.28.5   TV                                : 10
4.28.6   Photocopy                    : 1
4.28.7.   Stencil Machine            : 2
4.28.8    Tent                             : 3

1.    Vision
To create a school culture with the quality, science and environment of national levelled to international levelled.

Vision Indicators :
a.   Excellent in getting natioanal exam marks
b.   Excellent in enteriy university
c.   Excellent in academic and non academic competition
d.   Compete in doing religion lessons
e.   Compete in mastering English and science
f.    Silent environment

2.     Mission
To increase the quality of learning process in developing science and environment of national levelled to international levelled.

Mission indicators :
a.   Increasing the quality of service in learning process and school output in order to continue study in domestics and abroad.
b.   Increasing competetive in working and developing the students interest.
c.   Increasing the role of students association as a place of developing the students interest.
d.   Increasing equipment and facilities of school.
e.   Increasing the awakeness of religion life and integrated personality.
f.    Increasing the spirit of using English and Science.
g.   Increasing clean, healthy environment
h.   Increasing the welfare and life of school

1.   As an education institution, SMA N 1 Martapura is working hard to prepare human resources.
2.   As a high school , SMA N 1 Martapura is diving a good service to all people to prepare to go to university.
3.    Active in developing local autonomy through dedications, inovation of human resources.
4.   As a religius modelled school, SMA N 1 Martapura is making islamic generations which have integrative, high dedication


1.     Quality Challenges :
a.     Get ready in doing curriculum 2004
b.    Get ready in facing international levelled school
c.     Increasing the quality of management based school
d.    Increasing teacher’s professional and view
e.     Increasing the quality of graduation to go on the domestic and abroad university, skill, social care and good attitude
f.     Increasing skill and high technologi in learning process and administration service
g.    Increasing the position of academic ang non academic contest
h.     Establishing the shcool culture which has high technologi and good environment
2.     Productivity Challenges
a.     Increasing the score of national exam, at least 0.30 annually
b.    Increasing the percentage of going to the university, at least 5% annually
c.     Increasing the rank of academic and non academic contest in national and international level
d.    Increasing the arrangement of environment and condusive religious habit

3.     Efectivity Challenges
a.     Increasing knowledge and skill of ICT based learning
b.    Available adequate room, facilities and practical material
c.     Available literature of school library in accordance with new curriculum and international levelled

4.     Efficiency Challenges
a.     Increasing the use of fund efficienthy and proportionally
b.    Decreasing work program by deciding the priority need
c.     Increasing the role of school people to control the use of fund
d.    Seeking the sources of fund to support school program

Introduction :

State Senior High School 1 Martapura ( SMA Negeri 1 Martapura ) is situated in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province.
It is about 40 KM from the Capital city Banjarmasin. Martapura is well Known with the town of diamonds because we are able to find many diamond polishing in here this sector becomes the people ‘s earn for living.
SMA Negeri 1 Martapura was established in 1974, it is 33 years old now. In its existence, this school has been recogenised by the society expecially for the graduation of secondary high school as a favourite school. They believe that this school has good programs both academic and non academic activities.
This school has quality teachers tham those from other teachers at other school in this religion. The teachers and instructors are qualified anough. They are credible in their tasks so that’s why this school is promoted as a pioneering an International Standardized School (RSBI).
Besides that the government also concerns to open and expand RSBI, this policy is based on the goverment’s policy and commitment to the law of National Education System no. 20 the year 2003 chapter 50, article 3; that that center government and the local goverment are going to hold at least one International Standardized school in every level of education in Indonesia.
Our visit to Singapura is one of the training activity in which is aimed to look directly the development of school in this country. Furthermore, it will have a good chance if our relationship could be followed up. We do hope could share excharge information, ideos and thoughts to improve the quality of education. This Effort is also proposal to accelerate our school.
Hopefully, we can gain some more benefit and it will be fruifful for furthen relationship through electronic media.     

1.    The strategic planning for the year 2007 – 2008
a.     To improve the managerial quality, empowen and provide a good human resources and practise the democratic, transparancy, accountable, suistanable development based on the concept; “School Based Management.
b.    To increase the services both the academic and non academic qualities, to create condusive and religious circumstances based on the development of science and information and technology and care the environmental issues
c.     To complete and empower the infrastructures and other facilities to make teaching and learning process effectively and efficient accelerate the 2007 curriculum (KTSP 2007). This new curriculum is going to be implemented gradually.
d.    To increase and strengten the role of students’ organization and develop their creativities.
e.     To increas the prosperity of the school communities

2.    The long – term program (2007 – 2008)
a.     Academic and Non – Physical sector
1.     To implement the prior curriculum 2006 and adaptive one or international adapted curriculum to all classes and program
2.     To conduct the teaching and learning process based on ICT approach and use English as means of communication, transpormation for science and English subjects.
3.      To reach 25% of the students’ capability in English mastery or egual to 450 scores in TOEFL, 500 scores for the school principal as well as the teachers
4.     To achieve good result in the National examination with the average 8.00 from each subject and passing gralte 6.00 from each subject which are exmined by the school teachers.
5.     To make 80% of the school graduation are able to enter a variety of universities, including 75% of them are suecess to study in state universities.
6.     The school wiil implement a good discipline and culture to develop the moral or values of religion condusively to adap science and technology, familiar to environment , care to the cleanliness, tranparancy, and democratic circum stances.
7.     To expand the function of school library as place for teaching and learning process.
8.     To accelerate the operational of a Variety of vacilities and integrated media for learning process which are aimed to increas the quality of education system and school / classroom management.
9.     To focus on the computerization in managing the school administration.
10.  To provide a good information system and online website
11.  To promote the role of students’ organization and school extracurriculer in which the student are able to expand their talents, interests and other creativities.
12.  To concentrate the function of worship plances whore the students are able to widen and strenghten their belief in GOD it is also aimed to educate them to get values or moral in other to maintain a good personality
13.  To complete the school atributes such as, Motto Hymne and Mars of school.

b.    Physical Sector
1.     To Build some more locals / rooms in the second floor. There will be 18 room : 2 room for computers, 2 rooms for library, 4 rooms for science, social study program a multymedia room, a language laboratory, school principal’s room teachers’ room. One room for the school Principal’s assistants two worshing places, a clinic or health center and a large hall.
2.     To conduct a total rehabilitation for the old school buildings (revans).
3.     To add toilets for students on the second floor.
4.     To complete all facilities and practical materials.
5.     To add some more infructures and facilities for sport and art activities.
6.     To manage the school and make it more shady and educative circumstances.
7.     it is provided parking lot for students, teachers / staffs and guests.